Well, aku rasa sejak bukak kedai kat sg choh tu, mak rasa tertekan. Abah keep pushing and pushing us to do the best. Balik rumah, mak kena masak. Muka mak masam. Bila bersembang dgn abah, ada je yg rasa mcm berlaga. Abah nak mcm itu ini, mak pun buat dengan rasa penat. you get the figure now?
So, this is one of the way to get united back.
But it clashes with Program Kunjung Hormat PSSCM UNITEN. AR tanya kenapa aku tak dpt hadir. padahal aku dah btau personally last week. T_T. Aku cuba untuk aplikasikan apa yang penting, lebih penting, dan terpenting tu. Of course family is the most important one. PSSCM family is my second family. i have to support abah's way.
I told him once again as he requested in the group to say it personally by whatsapp. but he didnt reply
suddenly today, this came out
- mohon ic no.
-buat apaaaaa :'(
-surat pindah
close whatsapp
wechat mode on
post everything there
why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why