Sunday, December 12, 2010

A lot of stories to be written

  1. 6/6/2010-practice kawad kaki kat KMM. Bidan terjun. Lawan antara blok.
  2. 8/6/2010-pertandingan kawad kaki
  3. 15/6/2010-kehilangan kalkulator. Esoknye aku jumpe kat library. hehehe
  4. 26/6/2010-KAKOM. mcm merentas desa kot. Pompuan best.. lalu tepi pantai
  5. 29/6/2010-ko-kurikulum. 1st time main tenis.
  6. 1/7/2010-TENSIONest day. x taula kenape. lupe la pulak..
  7. 2/7/2010-start practice MUET for Task A and B
  8. 19~21/7/2010-UPS
  9. 21/7/2010- 1pm~11pm++. a journey to my home
  10. 23/7/2010-dpt buku yg telah ditempah. special delivery kot. Tempah kat KMM, dpt kat rumah.
  11. 1/8/2010-balik ke KMM. 6.55pm. Abah sampai uma pukul 2am sbb jam kat Seremban
  12. 4/8/2010-huhuhu. ade orang naik payung terjun.. my roommates and I tengok dari blok asrama. Orang lain ade kelas.... hahaha
  13. 5/8/2010-My pendrive found!! amin yg jumpe. Dia jumpe dlm bilik Asyraf kot. how dare u!! aku ade 2 pendrive, tp amin jumpe 1 je. 1 lagi masih blm dijumpai
  14. 6/8/2010-my turn to write a word power on the whiteboard in front (Impromtu)
  15. 8/8/2010-Outing ke Dataran Pahlawan & Mahkota Parade. Main bowling dgn Yasmin, Allif & Mizi. Ainee tengok je..
  16. 9/8/2010- Gune jadual baru. Ko-Kurikulum pukul 8am~10am. I wore tudung sarung. Ramai org ckp aku かわい.. Segan kot. Tak nak pakai tudung tu lagi!!
  17. 11/8/2010- Went to Bazaar Ramadhan
  18. 12/8/2010- きれい?
  19. 13/8/2010- Ros の うち へ いきます. Yasmin, Ainee & Farid joined.
  20. 14/8/2010- Went to JJ Bkt. Tinggi with Ros, Yasmin & Ainee. I bought 'L'. hehehe
  21. 15/8/2010- Ros の うち (9.30am)-->Melaka Sentral(12.00pm)-->KMM(3.15pm)
  22. 23/8/2010- UPS result ditampal di DK, HEP, and Dewan Utama pukul 10am. Aku tengok pukul 12 noon. Pointer: 3.58. ok la tu!! No basic beb!! hehehe. Math A, Akaun A-, Bisnes B+, Ekonomi B+
  23. 27/8/2010- KUMBE.
  24. 29/8/2010- Went to Bazaar Ramadhan and I saw Clone
  25. 30/8/2010- Ramai budak laki gila pada malam merdeka. Reza called Ros, ntah ape yg die merepek. Allif messaged me "Hai sayang". Aku reply, "Ko gile ke ape!!" Pas tu die call, die cakap roommate die yg send. fuh!!
  26. 1/9/2010- Hantar keje KUMBE. hehehe. lewat!! Kene marah dgn cikgu! x pe, da biase.. hehehe
  27. 4/9/2010- Lepas Maghrib, xde air kat blok aku. Nasib baik dah nak cuti raye. Ade la dlm 3 hari bdak2 blok mandi kat blok lain..
  28. 5/9/2010- Berbuka puase bersama budak2 kelas di Kafe A
  29. 6/9/2010- としょかん で あいした
  30. 7/9/2010- I'm home.. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..
  31. 16/9/2010- Balik ke KMM
  32. 18/9/2010- Kelas ganti ikut jadual hari Khamis
  33. 26/9/2010- Dah ade air!! woi, budak2 A5!! Dah ade air!!
  34. 29/9/2010- Berbasikal di waktu petang. pergh, lame dah x main basikal..
  35. 1/10/2010- Kelas MEKA Akaun @ 7.30am, T222
  36. 2/10/2010- Kelas ganti ikut jadual hari Selasa. English, Group 5, the best!!
  37. 4/10/2010- Dapat hadiah Hudson sweets and Roti Coklat Gardenia
  38. 6/10/2010- main basikal lagi..
  39. 7/10/2010- Pelik day??
  40. 8/10/2010- Kuiz Ekonomi
  41. 9/10/2010- Parents and grandparents came to KMM and abah brought me to Masjid Tanah to by new handphone. Budget: RM300 only. So, I chose J105i
  42. 11/10/2010- イズハル?? Business Test, Study Week
  43. 12/10/2010- MUET. Quarantined from 11am at new building in KMM. and i'm the last group. our group started at 1.20pm
  44. 18/10/2010- PSPM1- English
  45. 19/10/2010- PSPM1- Akaun
  46. 20/10/2010- PSPM1- Math paper 1
  47. 21/10/2010- PSPM1- MAth paper 2. イズハル and the gang ケフエ A で たベました
  48. 22/10/2010- PSPM1- Bisnes
  49. 25/10/2010- cuti umum
  50. 26/10/2010- PSPM1- Ekonomi~~~~ Balik rumaaaaaaaaaaaaah............
  51. 8/11/2010- 2nd Sem starts
  52. 15/11/2010- Sains Informatik. teruk!! Computer hang!!
  53. 2011/2010- Hang out dgn Ainee ke Mahkota Parade. Only both of us!! Pas tu balik lewat, sampai 7.30 tp still dpt kad outing!! hehehe
  54. 22/11/2010- No Sains Informatik today!! I like!!!
  55. 23/11/2010- KMM death
  56. 24/11/2010- ひと が すき??
  57. 30/11/2010- PSPM1 result. 3.43. Akaun A, MAth A-, Ekonomi A-, Bisnes C+
  58. 1/12/2010- Min and Ainee bisik2
  59. 3~5/12/2010- Rumah Yasmin @ KL
  60. 4/12/2010- MINES
  61. 5/12/2010- Balik KMM
  62. 6/12/2010- 5pm, lepas kelas Sains Informatik, pergi rumah Min lagi


neesaABDkarim said...

comments for this entry :

1) tolong jangan tulis dlm bhsa jepun. aku tak paham laaaaa !

2) kenapa ko tulis cerita-cerita dari pertengahan sem 1 ? we are already in sem 2 la baiiiii ! haha :D

3) kalau ko betul-betul dgn alilf pn takpe. aishah & allif, hanisah & arief. haaa ! kan sesuai. haha :D

アイシャー said...

1) that's the secret!! oops!!

2) sem 1 x bwk laptop, sem 2 dah bwk..

3) allif?? oh, tidak!! ko dgn arief??